Saturday, February 26, 2011

The day her hair turned

Having a baby is the most wonderful thing in the world. The funny thing is, I went most of my adult life believing that I didn’t want kids. It was going to be great. I’d have lots of disposable income. I could fly to Paris on a whim. I could go on adventures and take risks. My ultimate goal (and is still kind of a dream) was to be on the show Survivor, yes, the reality TV show. Although my strategy to win based on sex appeal may need to be modified. For some reason, the C section scar, excess weight, and less than perky breasts don’t seem to attract those 20 year old sexy male tribe mates.
Then I met Chris. I knew the moment we met that I was going to marry him, but I did not foresee having a daughter with him.
Don’t get me wrong, she was not a surprise. Well, not exactly a surprise anyway. We had been trying for 10 months, and had reason to believe that we would not conceive on our own. It’s funny how doctors can be wrong about these things.
When my little miracle arrived, she had a full head of dark red hair and blue eyes. It was a stunning combination. It’s amazing. I stare at this little one every day; yet, I barely notice the small changes. One day, when my daughter was 14 weeks old, I looked down and she had a full head of light brown hair. I know it happened gradually, but missed it. To me, it seemed to have happened overnight. It’s amazing how easily we can get caught up in our daily lives and forget to notice the little things.  

Friday, February 11, 2011

You don't mess with the Biebes?

I've known for quite some time that you don't mess with the Walken, but what I found out on Superbowl Sunday is that you also don't mess with the Biebes. It was one of those philosophical debates that only seem happen when you've had one too many beers. I'm thinking that my friends are wrong on this one. Quite frankly, I'm a little insulted that my comrades would place Justin Beiber on the same level as Christopher Walken. After all, I'm not sure that Biebes has got the staying power.

Here is 5 reasons why it is ok to mess with the Biebes.

1. Its fun to say Biebes.
2. He's Canadian.
3. He's short.
4. Given the chance, I would lick him from head to toe with my cougar tongue.
5. His only method of defense would be to "bring it."

I would definitely mess with him a little...and really people, you just can't compare him to the Walken.

The Biebes on the lookout for my cougar paw!

Friday, February 4, 2011

You don't mess with the Walken

So, I find myself obsessed with this sketch of Christopher Walken's face in our break room at work. Above his face, someone has handwritten in marker "Don't piss off the Walken" and below his face they wrote "more cowbell please."

It’s not so much Christopher Walken that I’m obsessed with (although I do have an unnatural adoration for him), but the fact that there is no other jokes or cartoons in our break room. None. Only Christopher Walken’s caricarture. I have never asked anyone why Christopher Walken is occupying the break room. I don’t want to know. I don’t want to ruin this glorious mystery that is the Walken. 
You don't mess with the Walken.